Not everyone is the same


In the course of life, we will encounter a variety of different people.  Some may look similar to us and some may look quite different.  Some may behave differently from us and some may have totally different habits, rituals, customs, lifestyles and cultures.  But everyone is unique.  No one is alike.  We all have different experiences in life.  We all see the world from our own personal perspective and react to the world accordingly.  Each one of us was brought up differently and taught about life according to our care takers be it our parents of others.  We were taught and shown how to view and respond to the world by the environment we were exposed to in our youth.  We often follow this similar path meaning we react and respond the way we were taught until we learn differently.  Some of these experiences were pleasant and some may have been traumatic, but they all shaped us.  We may not realize for years how deep these experiences affected us.   The reality of our response to life usually shows up in intimate relationships or when we are trying to achieve something in life that takes us out of our comfort zone.

As we get older and begin to encounter others, we see that others do not always behave like we are familiar with and it can throw us off.  When another responds opposite to what we are familiar with it can make us uncomfortable as it feels strange to us.   Depending on your personality and your perspective this can create a conflict within ourselves and in relationships.  If we are a little more open, we might be able to just see it for what it is, someone simply being different from us.  Everyone has errors in themselves.  We all miss the mark at times.  No one knows how to handle everything perfectly all the time.  But we must learn and grow.  If we stay rigid and refuse to at least look into another’s perspective, we may miss out on some wonderful relationships and blessings in our own lives. 

Being open to others;  we can recognize that not everyone functions the way we do, and we can also not agree with perhaps how they live or their lifestyle however we can still respect and honor another person for who they are.  We are led to believe that differences make others our enemies.  This is supported in the media, politics, religion, groups, etc.  The world supports Us verses Them and will fight to the death in some cases to prove the point.  What a shame this is.  What a ruse we have been fed and fallen for.

When we treat others the way we want to be treated this dynamic will change our lives and improve our relationships.  When we are patient and kind to others even when they are different from us this shows strength of character and love.  When we honor others and accept them for who they are, even if we do not agree with their lifestyle this shows maturity. But when we fight for our right to be Right, to hold the superior position we begin to separate and divide between each other.  What if took the time to listen, to learn and to understand.  Perhaps we could see more clearly. 

People are a bit more complicated and our life’s experiences play a crucial role in how we respond to life.  Sometimes just getting to know a person can change how you see others.  Some people have had experiences that shape and damage their lives and it may take years to unfold, heal and some will never heal and live out the rest of their lives not so much in response to what is around them but from what is within them.  That damaged part will interfere in all of their choices and responses to life If it is never addressed and healed.  Healing takes time and unfolds in different ways and at different times. Not everyone is opened to heal, and this too is a reality. Healing will require being vulnerable, honest and open and to some this feels too risky.

In conclusion if we simply teach others the way we want to be treated the world will become a much gentler place.  If we would respond to others in love rather than from a defensive mode, we can help open hearts and allow others a safe place to heal and feel accepted.  Our relationships will thrive, abuse will subside, people will trust and love in a new way.  We will no longer hate and begin to view others no longer as our enemies but rather with compassion and respect for our differences.  It might be a fantasy, but I see no reason not strive to first be a better person myself and ourselves. Why not chose love over fear.  Because that is what it boils down to.  We fear others and their ideals and differences, so we separate and condemn, this is the ruse, this is the Faultline.  But Love never fails.


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