

I believe that until you have been humbled and humiliated by your own choices it is quite possible there is a Whole world you are not able to see. You see humility is often a precursor to being humiliated and no one signs up for that. Humility does not mean you sit quietly in the corner with your head down.  It is often a path full of error that has produced some measure of understanding and compassion.  And compassion speaks volumes.

Pride and humility are both weapons of warfare! One raises its guns and the other lowers its guns.  One ends in destruction the other ends in victory!

Humility will put aside it’s opinions and listen to different views, but pride will shut differences out and refuse other possibilities.

It is not the monk who separates himself from the world to gain enlightenment that is necessarily humble!  But the person who gets in the arena and has taken a beating and come out wiser and stronger.


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